Saturday, January 8, 2011

The reason I love him so...

Everybody has said being a young parent is hard and it is don't get me wrong. But They never really say how in love with your child you can be and how you could never imagine your life without them. This picture here says it all this little boy is just such an amazing child I know everyone says that about their children which they should. But he can just make you smile no matter what whether he is in trouble or just trying to get your attention. I would never ever change my life. To me he is the greatest child ever. His laugh they way he talks even the silly way he runs or how he tries to jump but only one chunky leg comes off the floor. :) His big eyes makes everyone melt when he doesn't get his way even the guys give him what he wants! His crazy hair just makes him even funnier. He is the ultimate gentle giant he is a lover not a fighter. But he takes care of himself when the time does come up. He has really become a helper he likes to help bring the laundry from the washroom to his room or to help his daddy with the truck. But he does come at a price we always have to have Cheetos in the house or oranges or nanas(bananas) .This is my Vance and i wouldn't not change one thing about him he just makes you love him so much whether you have known him his whole life or if you have just met him for the first time!

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