Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Can you paint with all the colors in the wind?

Fall is here!! If Idaho doesn't have anything to keep us busy at least it has all the season through out the year some days right now it can be as cold as the low thirty's but today it was nice it was 75 degrees so we just had to get out and play in our front yard with the neighbors Mr. Jack and Miss. Maddie.Vance was so funny he thought when i said jump in the leaves he was supposed to jump beside them. The leaves are all such pretty colors reds and yellows and oranges i guess Pocahontas really knew what she was talking about when she sang "Paint with all the colors in the wind" Because when that wind gets going it really is something nice to look at!

My helper he loves to help Daddy

He was having fun don't let the face fool you

Jack Maddie and Vance having fun running through the leaves

Vance attempting to jump in the leaves

Thats his what are you talking about face

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