Thursday, June 17, 2010

one and a half years old today!!!!

Its crazy to think 18 months ago we had Vance! Even though i think he is the moodiest child i have ever met in my life i would not change anything about him!! He is so curious about everything. He is learning his colors and what things are like puppy and birdie and book. His favorite colors are blue and green he says lue and geen. He is a non stop talker we are having to teach him right now that its not ok to hit people or throw fits when he wants something. But all in all he is a wonderful little guy!!! His laugh is the most infectious laugh i think i have ever heard its so deep like it comes from his toes and everything makes him laugh from moving cars or animals even people running to when him and his dad box. He loves his spongebob and yes i know its not great for him to watch tv but he doesnt watch much. just one or two episodes. Here are just a few pictures of our BEAUTIFUL i wanna say baby but BABY BOY!!!!!
look at those eyes!!!

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