Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

This weekend was a packed weekend full of Halloween activities for Vance to join in on. On Friday he went trick or treating at the commissary and then later that evening went to the youth center for the "boo bash". On Saturday he had his best friend Weston's 3rd birthday party/Halloween party. Sunday we had a day to relax and then today he got to go trick or treating with all his friends.

"Spiderman" shooting his web

"Spiderman" and his orange teeth

Vance and Weston at Weston's birthday party

A happy "Spiderman"

Vance and Mater

"Trick or Treating" he had a great time!


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Getting ready for halloween

Today we decided was a nice day to do pu-ins (pumpkins) in vance language. He enjoys doing anything that can get him dirty we will for sure post pictures of him in his costume for Halloween he will be Spiderman.

Just love his smile! as you can tell he painted the middle two

He loves to say cheese!!

I just love him in black and white!!!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fall is here

Finally back on track we started with our fall crafts my baby loves to do crafts!!!

He loves to paint!!

He liked painting his pumbkin( thats how he says it)

The final product!!

If you look closely on the right side is Jupiter way cool i thought

Me and my babies!! with out them i dont know how i would have gotten through that deployment!!