Thursday, March 31, 2011

the sun is out but not for long

So today we spent most of the day out in the sun it was so nice!! finally hit 70 and will last until monday so we walked the dog played at the park close to home then played at another park with all our friends it was a great day!!!

This is Vance's crew (all their daddys say they are the future ammo crew)as you can tell there is only one girl we just welcomed 3 new baby boys in the group they were sleeping so arent in the pic
left to right Weston ,jezzi, Vance, Ryland, and Daiton

as you can tell i just love his eyes!!!!

he is so awesome that is bubbles all over his shirt

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The time will pass they say do they really know how we feel sitting and waiting for that phone call trying to explain to your little one where their daddy is when you know they wont understand because they are still to small. We sit and wait every time we hear that skype noise we run to the computer or phone praying it is him. We have awesome support you can always talk to your family and friends. But i think the friends that help the most are the military spouses that have become your famliy they are like sisters. We are there from start to finish up all night with each other letting them know you share their pain. We love them more and more as each day passes and our hearts feel like they are about to break but when you get that email that message on face book just the simple i love you and will talk to you later makes another day a little easier to be over. For me i look forward to bed time just means another day down one day closer. He is our world the person we look to for comfort we share everything from the sand storms to Vance storms lol. He is an will always be our airmen our hero our love and the love of my life!!

He always needs hugs which is fine with me because so do I

We make each other laugh everyday!

These are some of my girls THEY ARE AWESOME!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

singin away

I'm telling you my son loves to sing!!!! if you notice closely he has food in his hand that's my Vance always has food on him at all times!!!! This is at his friend Keiras house

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I took Vance to a place called monkey business last week and oh man did he laugh i havent heard him life for an hour straight in a long time!! I thought he would knock out after oh no he didnt go to bed until 1:30 am!!!! YIKES

my daredevil climbed this by himself(mommy wouldnt let him go down by himself) we are the ones climbing

I think i screamed more then him

Finally at the bottom!!!!

I finally convinced him to go on a slide his size

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


My Vance and our little neighbor Jack

My son gets lazy when he colors

Old picture look at his hair lol

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

THE BOYS another NOW and THEN

lol look how fat my son was

vance and weston

Saturday, March 5, 2011