Monday, February 28, 2011

time is moving so fast!!

Well our time has come its now our turn for Chris to leave and do his job in another country. We will for sure miss him like crazy he is the only one to calm Vance down when Vance is mad at me so i don't know what I am going to do because Vance is like me and gets mad at the drop of a hat!!! We will defiantly be counting the days for him to come back home to us!!

My family

The two loves of my life!!

He always has to have juice or food!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

its been a long time....

So it has been awhile since the last post we have just been so busy with everything going on in our lives i just havent to be honest felt like doing it. But Everyone is doing really well Vance is just as mean as ever!! We kinda found out where some of his meanness came from his 2 year old molars started coming out but the rest of his meanness god only knows. He is a fun child still he is really talking alot sometimes we get lost in conversations. he is about 2ft 5 and weighs about 31 pounds. yes for a two year old he is a giant. but a fun loving giant.

A pair of handsome gentlemen

Vance being Vance