Sunday, December 26, 2010


We hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas! We enjoyed opening presents and watching Vance's eyes light up! Hope you enjoy his pictures

Vance and his Trucks

Vance and his scooter his Papa Rick and Grandma Rhonda bought him

He just didn't know what to play with

Vance and his puppy looking at all the goodies. Vance bought Marley a big bone.

He loved ripping off the paper

Vance and his daddy's truck he forgot all about his toys he just wanted to go for a ride in his daddy's truck

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Twas The Night Before Christmas....

Vance had such a great pajama party and has such great friends. He got a lot of toys enjoyed his cupcakes had soda ate candy but i think what made his night so good was how he didn't cry. If you have ever been around Vance and other kids you would see how great it was to see him sharing and not crying. He woke up this morning wanting to play with his new toys and hasn't stopped since which is a great thing seeing how it decided to start really snowing today. Thank you everyone for all the great gifts.

My gingerbread men and cupcakes

Vance was being the conductor for his birthday song.

He blew out his own candle!!!

some of the party watching him open presents.

Vance being Vance

He loved his sponge bob gift bags and cards.

He had a good time!

Our party animal crashed out he wasnt even in bed five min and was out

Friday, December 17, 2010


WE MADE IT!!! VANCE HAD A REALLY NICE DAY. We took him to Boise on a little outing and to eat at olive garden he always finishes his baked ziti and salad.... PARTY PICTURES UP TOMORROW AFTER THE EVENT!!

a cool shirt from his Uncle Eric and Auntie Destiny

Birthday boy I made his necklace

Our salad eater

He knows he gets to get a dessert

Enjoying his strawberry shortcake with white chocolate he kept calling it cheese

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas party fun time

Today we went to a Christmas party for Chris's shop. Now i know everyone is going to say whats going on with his hair so let me tell we are growing it out and it is at the awkward stage and wont stay down and living where the high is 12 doesnt help so he had a beanie on. Needless to say he had a fun day today.

He thinks he is such a big boy

He had to take a Cheeto break

Daddy and Vance attempting an inflatable slide
Vance was not having it.

Today he won all by himself a huge inflatable hammer
an inflatable monkey and a crazy Christmas hat and a
Stuffed animal that he gave to his puppy when he got home.