Wednesday, September 29, 2010


It has really taken Vance some time to get along with Marley. But know that he has they are inseparable!!! Even this evening i put Vance to bed and he was mad at me he was screaming and hitting his door and Marley would just stare at me like hey ok lets go get him and when i wouldn't Marley went and waited at Vances door kind of a im here she just wont let me help you haha it was to cute!!

Master Vance taking a bath with his watch dog
keeping a close eye

Vance was splashing him and Marley was licking
it up

Vance was trying to get him to get the truck
i told him he couldn't have in the water

Ahh shucks mom you caught me

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Vance and Marley

i know it has been forever since our last post. But since Vance has started school he has been doing really well he listens a little better and talks alot more. We finally got a dog for him his name is Marley and he is a pure bred boxer. They get along so great! Marley follows Vance anywhere he goes and is already protective of him even though Vance likes to hit him with things. But on the other hand Vance is pretty protective of him as well. Here are a few pictures of Vance and Marley.

This is Marley

Vance and his Marley