Saturday, April 24, 2010


Some how he fell asleep with a cookie in his bed we had no idea he had it in there with him! He took his afternoon nap and this is how he woke up!!Ah and he has the funniest new laugh ever if i can ever catch him you can bet it will be on here! and yes we know he needs a hair cut!

hey what are you doing taking my picture!

yep ya caught me!

gosh now i gotta take a bath!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


well last night was the night we tried the big boy bed and he did it it took him about an hour to
get used to being in it but he did it i still cant believe it we just did it for fun but he loves his
bed!!he liked his bed

finally getting him to sleep!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

busy weekend

This weekend Chris had volunteered for a kiddie carnival at the school on base so we took Vance and he loved it. Chris was in charge of the fish pond and every time the kids threw their line in they would count one, two, and Vance would scream THREE!!!!

Then on Sunday we had a group of friends meet us at a park near our house to have just a little picnic.. Vance had fun hitting the ball of a t ball stand but as you can tell by the last picture he was all tuckered out!!!

he loves balloons

Vance playing ball with his dad

all tired out

having fun at the park with dad and our friends

Friday, April 16, 2010


we finally made it outside the weather was so nice finally
after waiting for all the snow and rain to stop it
was so nice to finally get my son outside and walking
he walked down the street and loved it
until a cat came and rubbed up against his leg he thought
that was pretty funny but it made him lose track of walking
but all in all he had a great time.
playing with his stick

relaxing after a long walk

we walked down the block together

Sunday, April 11, 2010

our big guy loves to eat!!

sorry for all the pictures and videos i just love to show him!!

eating his spaghetti

eating trix and watching tv in our bed

dinner time with Vance

he just loves playing with his dad

just playing

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

what a silly baby

Vance got this hat from his papa and grandma cooper
for Easter he was just being silly

Sunday, April 4, 2010


My handsome little man!!

looking at all his goodies


Saturday, April 3, 2010

highs and lows of Idaho

SNOW in APRIL!!!!!


our silly child

playing with his food

picking up his mess

his nice temper he has