Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Growing and Playing!!!

Vance has finally started playing with toys or hair or even facial parts he loves noses and lips here is a video of him playing with his ball.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

4 months!

My baby is now five months old how sad he is just getting so big! He is now 24 in long and 16 lbs. He smiles alot and loves to stand he is starting to sit a little more each day on his own he still does not know how to hold up his head so right now he looks like a bobble head. He just gets bigger and more adorable everyday!!! His legs are nice and chunky just the way i like babys haha.
vance loves to hold on to me in his diaper
he loves his sun glasses

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Being silly in his hat!

we just had to put his hat on for a picture even though it was to small
for him

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Vance's first easter

Vance with all his Easter pals!

Sorry this was so late this little one has kept us pretty busy. well to catch everyone up
he is about 15 to 16 lbs. He adapted very well to his cereal he loves it.
He has gotten so chunky its funny his legs and arms are so fat, we all say he is
getting as big as his cousin Gracie. Now that is one cute little girl!
Vance loves to stand and look at you while he is doing this he is either giving you his
shy smile or he is just telling you all about his long day! He is one fun child! Well this weekend
he will be going to his first wedding so we will be sending pictures from his weekend.