Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Shots for our Vance!

Resting after getting shots

Smiling with his toy grandma Teresa gave him.

Today was not such a fun day. Vance finally went for his two month appointment. I know it was late he just had to get over his cold before they could give him his shots. He did pretty well for the most part. Of course he cried but he is being a big boy now and dealing with them. At his appointment they told us he weights 13 lbs 4 oz! He is 24 in long. He still loves to suck on his thumb and to pull hair. He has learned to hold on to things he wants a bit more he also loves to smile and laugh and oh man is he talking alot. The other night he surprised Chris and I by rolling himself over. He kept doing it about 5 or 6 more times after that until i took out the camera to record him he stopped and sucked his thumb.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

3 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!


Its so hard to believe Vance is 3 months old! He grows so much everyday he used to be this short skinny baby with long arms and big feet! Now he is tall and chunky still with long arms and big feet! He is still very cute he has really learned to smile and to laugh. He really has been trying to talk alot!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Vance Partied All Weekend!!!!!

All dressed up to go to El Paso.

Dressed in his 70's outfit his
Grandma Teresa made him.
Here we all are dressed up together!

What! What is everyone looking at???

This weekend was a weekend of parties for Vance! On Friday we took Vance with us to El Paso to see my Uncle Mario become a lector. On Sunday he went to his first dress up party for his grandma Rhonda and Shauns birthday parties. As you can see from above we all had a great time.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Our Little Man Is Growing Up!!!!

So where do i start Vance now weighs 11lbs 5 oz. He is 24 in. long! He has almost doubled his weight from when he was born. He stopped using his pacifier this past week and has been sleeping through the night thank god!!! It seems like everyday he gets bigger and bigger. We are always having to buy him new clothes especially new socks he has some really big feet. We think he is going to be a tall kid when he gets older with the size of his feet and the length of his monkey arms. He talks every chance he can in the mornings and late late at night when we are trying to go to bed. Above are pictures of how he likes to be dressed he is one baby that likes clothes he does not like to be naked!!! enjoy....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Up To Speed With Vance!

Well we should have started this two months ago but we have had so much going on in Vance's first few months. Vance was born on December 17 2008 he was 6 lbs 12ozs and 19 inches long. He spent his first two weeks in the special care unit in Las Vegas. Which let me tell you was not fun. He is doing a lot better now. He will be 3 months old this month and is a spoiled child! He is starting to coo a lot now he learned how to roll over and his most favorite thing he learned how to do is suck on his hand!! Above are pictures of when he was first born and now.....